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Welcome to EQ Mud!

This is the home of EQ Mud, an EverQuest-based MUD (Multi-User Dungeon). The game is currently under development, and this page is a placeholder.

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Game Features

EQ MUD brings the classic EverQuest experience into a text-based world while leveraging modern enhancements. Here are some of the key features:

Character Creation

A basic character creation is in place allowing you to choose your race, class, and deity. This generates your starting items, default factions, and moves you to your starting zone at your origin point. The origin spell is already integrated and can be used to return to your origin point.

Example Usage

All Items

Items, NPCs, and rooms (via maps) – well, basically everything, is generated from the ProjectEQ database. There are no custom coded areas on EQ MUD.

Example Usage

Equipment and Inventory

A functional inventory is in place, and equipment can be 'equipped' into the proper slots. Race/class/deity limitations are respected.

Example Usage

Map Generation

Maps are generated using custom Python scripts, including NPC spawning and door locations for reference. Then, maps are hand-painted.

The maps can be generated with custom room scales. For example, Befallen had pretty tight corridors and seems to work best at about 4ft² per room, while some outdoor zones work better at 10ft² per room. This makes landmarks and zone boundaries much more playable.

Raw generated map:

Raw Generated Map

Painted map:

Painted Map

A custom Python application was created to hand-paint large ASCII maps:

ASCII Map Painter

Indoor/Outdoor Zones

Zones contain the concept of 'indoor' and 'outdoor' maps, which have transition points.

Example outdoor zone – Crushbone:

Outdoor Zone Example

Example indoor transition – Crushbone:

Indoor Zone Example


Basic quest functionality is integrated. Most quests featuring talking and item hand-ins should be fully functional.

The below quest example uses the quest code as-is from ProjectEQ Quests.

Example 'talking' quest step:

Talking Quest Example

Example 'hand-in' quest step:

Hand-in Quest Example

Vendors Code is In. You Can Buy Stuff.

Vendor Example


In order to preserve the closest EQ combat experience, combat code was ported from EQEMU.

Combat Example

Social Aggro

NPCs social aggro with the same behavior you would expect from EQ Live.

Example - root pulling:

Social Aggro Before Social Aggro After


Tradeskills function as expected.

Tradeskills Example